“I had been wanting to start Traverse City Run Co. for about five or six years, but the time was never ‘right’ to make it happen. I was always putting it on the back burner, and never giving the idea the attention it needed.
“Finally, 2020 happened (yeah – that 2020), and I was forced to make a lot of changes and pivots at Endurance Evolution, where I lead the team in organizing running races, triathlons, and race timing services.
“The creative flow was in overdrive and I knew the time was finally right. I was ready to share my vision for Traverse City Run Co. – a running brand that celebrates running and Northern Michigan.
“We’ll be starting out small, and I’m looking forward to growing Traverse City Run Co. with help of members of the running community in Traverse City, and beyond.”
– Joel Gaff, Jr. (Laura, H, and P, because they’re all behind me, too.)

About Traverse City Run Co.
Traverse City Run Co. is a running brand that celebrates the sun, snow, hills, water, community, and all that makes running in Northern Michigan so special. We make most of our products in small batches, and aim to keep the quality high. We are runners of all shapes, sizes, speeds, and abilities. We love to run. We love Traverse City. We love Michigan.